Party building work
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The theme education activity of 'never forget the original intention, bravely shoulder the mission, and I will add radiance to the party flag'

Release time:2019-07-09 10:49:21 Visits:360 Issuer:NANJING DU-HOPE INTERNATIONAL GROUP

On the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the general party branch of Du-Hope International Group Trade bloc, the general league branch and the trade union of the company jointly organized the company's party members, youth league members and the masses to visit the revolutionary martyrs memorial hall and the national defense education park in Shajiabang, Changshu, on July 5, 2019, to carry out an educational activity with the theme of "Never forget the original intention, courageously assume the mission, and I add glory to the party flag".

On the same day, the company's party members, youth league members and the masses, led by the commentator who visited the revolutionary martyrs memorial hall in Shajiabang, Changshu, reviewed the history of the New Fourth Army and the militia in Shajiabang, remembered the revolutionary martyrs, recalled the revolutionary history, and received revolutionary education. Everyone was deeply inspired by the revolutionary martyrs' fearlessness and the revolutionary situation in the reed marshes by Yangcheng Lake that year, I deeply felt the deep affection of our party's reliance on the masses, unity with the masses, and the anti Japanese military and civilians, and received a profound and vivid red education.

The next day, the company also organized group building activities such as team building, physical training, and task execution to unleash the potential of employees, enhance communication and coordination abilities, and let everyone realize the importance of team concept. This established team spirit, strengthened team building, and created a collaborative organizational atmosphere. At the same time, through a series of group building activities, it has improved the way of good communication, enhanced the work efficiency and overall execution of individuals and organizations, and enhanced the cohesion and Centripetal force force of the whole team. 筆記

Through this themed educational activity, we deeply feel that in the turbulent revolutionary era, countless revolutionary pioneers have gone through fire and water one after another, paying the price of their lives for the great cause of the Party and the country. In the face of various setbacks and difficulties in our work, we also need to learn from the fearless spirit of our predecessors, not forget our original intentions, and move forward courageously, adding bricks and tiles to the future of Du-Hope International Group and adding radiance to the Party flag.

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