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Studying Party History, Inheriting the Red Boat Spirit, Understanding the Original Heart, and Promoting Development through Party and Mass Cooperation

Release time:2021-06-10 15:58:54 Visits:387 Issuer:NANJING DU-HOPE INTERNATIONAL GROUP

Studying Party History, Inheriting the Red Boat Spirit, Understanding the Original Heart, and Promoting Development through Party and Mass Cooperation

 The red boat reflects the original intention, and the green mountains serve as a reference mission. From June 4th to 5th, 2021, Du-Hope International Group's Jiaxing Huzhou Party Mass Co construction activity was a complete success, with a total of 63 participants, including 30 party members and 33 masses.

2021 is the centennial anniversary of the CPC. At this great and glorious moment, we go to the birthplace of the Communist Party of Jiaxing Nanhu to feel and inherit the "Red Boat Spirit", go to the Memorial Hall of the New Fourth Army Jiangsu Zhejiang Military Region in Changxing to feel the will of the ancestors to fight bravely in the bloody wind, go to Huzhou Yucun to understand the innovative development path of "Clear waters and green mountains" All Chinese people have extraordinary significance.

South Lake Red Boat

Memorial Hall of the New Fourth Army Jiangsu Zhejiang Military Region

Huzhou Yucun

This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. We revisit the glorious history of the Party and carry out red education in order to better inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the Party. Every party member and comrade should not forget their original aspirations in their positions, shoulder their responsibilities bravely, truly play the exemplary role of party members, love their work, be willing to contribute, and contribute to the high-quality development of Du-Hope International Group.

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